What is BoozCoin?

BoozCoin is a crypto currency developed on the Solana Blockchain for the alcohol industry to be used as a medium of exchange for alcohol products and related products.

It is one part of the BoozExchange eco system that encompasses everything from buying alcohol, to NFT’s to cool games surrounding premium alcohol products as collectors items.

Get extra rewards for using it to buy and accepting it as a seller.

BoozExchange is stage 2 of adoption and BoozCoin is a part of the project to be utlized as a token for various features of the BoozExchange platform.

A whole ecosystem of crypto and alcohol related world of things.

A platform for fine and rare wine & spirits NFTs, buy/sell any alcohol products worldwide on the exchange.

Play a fine wine portfolio game, win BoozCoins.

Talk to experts etc. Play leagues etc. Or just use it to find the cheapest alcohol near to where you live.

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